Strenthening Judge Manangement, Increasing the Level of Execution; We will build up a contingent of judicial personnel who are politically steadfast and professionally competent, have a fine style of work and enforce laws impartially. 加强法官队伍建设提高公正执法水平建设一支政治坚定、业务精通、作风优良、执法公正的司法队伍。
The arts students who get high scores in legislate, judicial, hierarchic and global style have high total score, the arts students who get high scores in monarchic style have low total score; 立法型、审判型、全局型、等级型思维风格得分愈高的学生文科总成绩得分愈高,专制型思维风格得分愈高的学生文科总成绩得分愈低;
Under the contemporary judicial conception that lays equal stress on judicial entity and procedure, the style of the court verdict in China should stress statement of the identification of evidence and the reflection of lawsuit. 在“实体与程序并重”的现代司法理念下,我国裁判文书应改革目前状况,加强对证据采信、裁判结果形成与诉讼情况的表述与反映。
The present study addresses the unequal treatment in the judicial settings because of gender biases produced by speech style evaluation. 本文研究由言语风格的评估而导致的在司法场合中因男女性别言语差异而形成的不平等现象。
Political corruption, judicial corruption, economic corruption and life style corruption mix up in all areas of social life. 腐败渗透力强,政治腐败、司法腐败、经济腐败和生活腐败交织在社会生活的各个领域。
The author also demonstrates the reasons for the difference in judicial style between the two countries, which include two parts: judicial system and legal theory. 需要强调指出的是,本文所论证的英美两国在司法过程中,即在严格规则与自由裁量之间表现出来的司法风格的差异是规律性的,更是倾向性的。
2, The scores of legislate style and judicial style have significant positive correlations with every subject score. 立法型和审判型思维风格与学生各科成绩呈正相关。
Through legislation and judicial practice style strive for issue of arrangement content study to find out our current course of the operation of the program exposed by the state. 通过立法体例和司法实践中争点整理相关内容的考察,找出了我国目前在争点整理运作过程中所暴露的弊端。
Among the thinking styles, there are significant correlation of judicial style, legislative style, hierarchical style and global style with mathematics learning strategies. 高中生思维风格类型中审判型、立法型、等级型和全局型思维风格与数学学习策略存在显著相关。